The Olympia and Athena Jacket - Finishings / Part 21

Please note that this pattern (and more!) is available to purchase on my online store

The final part is finishing off all the top stitching, my favorite!

I like to keep as much of it as possible to the end, so that it can be sewn in an almost continuous line.

Start at the waistband, you have already sewn the part that joins the bodice, but pick a spot - the side of the jacket is a good place and run your stitch:

Along the bottom edge of your waistband

Up the entire length of the outside of your placket

Onto the Collar edge and back down to the other side,

Work slowly!

Using a heat transfer pen or similar, mark your button holes per the markings on the pattern.

Try your jacket on, pinning the placket closed and check the placement of your markings. If you are happy with them, its time for buttonholes and buttons!


The Olympia And Athena Jacket - Inserting the Sleeve / Part 20