The Olympia and Athena Jacket - Final Thoughts before Sewing / Order of Construction - Part 6

Please note that this pattern (and more!) is available to purchase on my online store

I will use a medium-weight muslin comparable to a jeans-weight denim for this sew-along.

I highly suggest you make a muslin first, I absolutey know that they are not everyones favorite thing to do, but they do give you an opportunity to see how it comes together, make design and fit decisions and familiarize yourself with new techniques before you cut into your fabric.

Two thread colors have been used, one white for the neutral seams and a second hot pink for areas of topstitching and detail.

Once I remove pattern pieces, I use sticky dots as notation marks. I have also used them here to mark the right side (RS) and wrong side (WS) of the garment.

Seam allowances are 5/8โ€ except for the collar, which is 1/2โ€.

Press seams as you sew, especially flat fell areas, but keep the pressing/ironing of the entire garment to a minimum until completed.

Heat sets stitches in place, and should anything need to be removed or altered; it is easier to do that before they have been embedded into the fabric.

If you are using a heavyweight or plain fabric, I would also suggest cutting two-inch by 6-inch strips of card or oak tag and using those to stop the heat from imprinting the fell stitch or the under seam on the pocket as you press.


1). Overview

2) Inspiration

3) Printing, Cutting and Labeling

4) Fabrics

5) Flat Fells

6) Final thoughts before sewing

7) Interfacings

8) Interfacing your fabrics

9) Waistband Preperation

10) Sleeves

11) Pockets

12) Flaps

13) Back / Yoke

14) Fronts

15) Attaching pockets and front yokes

16) Plackets to front panels

17) Shoulders and Sides

18) Waistband

19) Collar

20) Sleeves

21) Finishings

22) Manual buttonholes


The Olympia and Athena Jacket - Interfacings / Part 7


The Olympia and Athena Jacket - Flat Fells / Part 5